Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Response to Classmate's Post II

In the article "Opinion or Law" the author discusses the Stanford rape case. The author makes a good argument as to why Judge Persky's sentence was in accordance with California State Law even though it seemed light and caused public outrage. However, Judge Persky is facing serious repercussions whether you agree with his ruling or not. Currently he has been benched and will not be able to rule on sex crime cases. Additionally, Michele Dauber, a Stanford Law Professor, is attempting to get Judge Perky recalled. Dauber believed that the ruling was too lenient for reasons the author of this article mentions, race and social status. Many California law enforcement officers and agencies do not believe that Judge Persky's ruling warrants a recall. I agree with the author of this article that though the judge's decision may not have been popular or severe enough, it was in accordance with the law. The last thing our country needs is to be criticizing our judicial system for ruling based on the law rather than personal opinion. Additionally the fact that the Judge required Mr. Turner to be registered as a sex offender is a punishment for life, even if he is not in jail that long. If people are upset about this ruling, they should direct their outrage towards creating stricter sex crime laws rather than one judge.

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