Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Trump-less America is the first step towards a less xenophobic public

The 2016 presidential election is one that has surprised the nation. Donald Trump’s rise in the polls and recent selection as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee has created a real future where he might be the President of the United States. Based on the policies that Trump claims to support and wants to implement, he would only push our nation towards more xenophobic and prejudiced tendencies. 
One of the biggest issues that actually boosted Trump in the polls was national security. From a diplomatic standpoint, Trumps “xenophobia”, doesn’t bode well for our nation. On multiple occasions Trump has made remarks about banning Middle Eastern immigrants and placing "brown communities" under police watch. This would only further encourage Islamic radicalism and American xenophobia. Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize winning conservative columnist stated that "[Trump's] thesis is this, and I do think it has some resonance: 'All of our troubles are caused by Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, Saudis and others,'". 
                        Trumps racist statements towards minorities will play an important role in the November. What many Americans and Texans are realizing is that Trump’s racist comments are mere generalizations that only push Americans further apart rather than bringing them together. Trump’s comments claiming that Mexican’s are rapists, murderers and criminals and all refugees and Muslims are terrorists have been met with severe backlash. If these sentiments will influence his policies, Trump would only increase prejudice and discrimination in a society that has tried so hard to move away from inequality. However, the fact that Trump still has so many supporters shows that some Americans truly believe in his policies and opinions. 

            Overall, this presidential election is an extremely important one, in terms of our nation’s future. Trump's xenophobia has spilled over into the American public and reinforced the fear of foreigners that has always existed in America. In my opinion the Trump administration has so far shown that they are inept to properly deal with the issues our nation faces. While a vote for Clinton may not be favorable, it may be necessary to ensure our state’s future success and to ensure a less xenophobic public.

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