Thursday, June 9, 2016

Clinton's Nomination: A Victory or Source of Division for Women?

On June 8th 2016, the New York Times published an article titled, "Historic Import of Hillary Clinton's Victory Is One More Source of Division". This article focuses on how American women view Clinton's victory of the Democratic nomination. Her victory is a historic moment as it is the first time a woman has ever been a political party's presidential nominee. However, not all women view it as a milestone for feminism and a step towards breaking the glass ceiling in politics. The article suggests how Clinton's nomination has made her supporters more loyal but pushed her opponents even further away. Unlike President Obama's nomination, which brought "cultural heat" and "political exhilaration", Clinton has been in the political spotlight so long that she is much more scrutinized than Obama ever was. The article interviews dozens of people across the country. Most agree that it is time for a woman to become president but wish it were a different woman. Many are not confident that Clinton will do a good job of representing women, a responsibility placed on her shoulders as the first woman president. Nevertheless the article concludes that regardless of Americans political opinion of Clinton, its about time.

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