Thursday, June 23, 2016

Comment on Classmate's Blog

The post written by Hannah McKenzie on her blog "A Deeper Look into the US Government" is about Hilary Clinton, the Democratic Presidential nominee. I think that Hannah makes a good point when she references Clinton's past contradictory political past. However, I think rather than labeling Clinton as a dishonest candidate, I would call her a people pleaser. She has been accused of "saying just about anything to get elected", on numerous accounts. I agree with Hannah that our nation is at a critical point in time where we need a strong, decisive and tolerant leader but most importantly we need a leader who will think about Americans before thinking about their party or their personal views. I think that though Hilary Clinton does not exactly fit the bill, she is the better of two evils. Clinton may be contradictory but being a people pleaser means she is in touch with the public opinion and will be a more representative president than her opponents. Though I agree with Hannah, that experience should not be the only determinant of who would make a good president, I think it should still be taken into consideration. We do not know how consistent Trump's political opinions will be since he has not been in the political lime light nearly as long as Hilary Clinton has. Even with his limited exposure, he has already changed his party affiliation three times. So I agree with Hannah's critique of Clinton's flaws and contradictory nature; however, in my opinion, Clinton is not the good choice but rather the necessary one.

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